Guide on how to seem immediately likeable to people around you

The good news is that charisma can be learnt. Having a certain charisma, coming across as likeable and earning the respect of people around you: this is something that makes the work of a manager much easier and is crucial in their communication with employees. Here is a seven-step guide on how to seem immediately likeable to people around you.


The most effective way to seem likeable, according to the TED project website, is showing your surroundings you are happy and content to be where you are. This is why you need to smile a lot.


People tend to be somewhat egoistic, and they like people who above all listen to them. Be interested in those around you and actively listen to what they are saying.

Sense of humour

A healthy and positive sense of humour shows you are confident and original. Get on the same wavelength with people you are talking to, and do not be afraid to be funny sometimes.

Additional questions

When talking to someone, ask them supplementary questions regarding what they are saying. You will thus show you are genuinely interested in the other person and you will seem likeable to them.

Positive body language

If you show a positive attitude using body language, for example by adopting an open stance towards the other person and using positive gestures, the other person will start subconsciously mirroring these gestures and see you as more likeable.

Lack of nervousness

This might seem an odd piece of advice, but you must try not to be nervous. People feel good around another person if they can tell that person is in good mood and feels no nervousness.


Whenever you talk to anyone, get on the same wavelength as them and adopt their style of communication, both on the verbal and non-verbal levels.



Article source - TED is a nonprofit devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading". 

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