How some narcissistic traits can help you become a successful manager

It is often said that many managers have narcissistic tendencies. Most of the time, such traits are (justifiably) perceived negatively as in the long run they usually do prove detrimental in the context of work and personal relationships. However, when used properly and controlled, "healthy narcissism" can have a positive impact on a management career. Let's take a look at a few reasons why this is the case.

Increased self-esteem

As states, people with narcissistic tendencies often have heightened self-esteem. They fully believe in themselves and their abilities. This puts them in a position where they do not doubt themselves and make the most of their potential. And this is also true in a managerial career: someone with low self-esteem and a chronic fear of failure will probably never become a good manager. However, self-esteem can only be used in a constructive way if the person remains at least partially open to criticism, maintains a degree of self-reflection and is able to learn from their mistakes.

Ignoring unjustified or unreasonable criticism

Unwavering faith in their own abilities and judgment means that narcissists are not upset by criticism or when someone tries to belittle them. This is a good trait when the criticism is excessive or unjustified; it is less ideal if the criticism is legitimate and the narcissist should learn from it.

Ability (and willingness) to draw attention to oneself and inspire others

Narcissists love attention. They are willing to lead others, effective at winning over people around them, and able to draw attention to themselves. This often makes them charismatic speakers as well as good, inspirational leaders, who are not afraid to take charge of a team.


Narcissists are often highly ambitious. If these ambitions are properly managed and kept within realistic boundaries, people with narcissistic tendencies can deservedly become very successful and competent employees as well as managers.



Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs

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