Tips on how to turn your weaknesses into strengths

We all have strengths and weaknesses. And we should also try to reduce or eliminate our weaknesses and turn them into strengths. How to do it? Here are some general tips.

These tips are based on an article on the LinkedIn Talent blog.

Identify your weaknesses

The first step is to figure out what your weaknesses even are. Try to look at yourself in as objective a light as possible and write down the qualities, attitudes and imperfections that would be worth working on.

Get feedback from those around you

If you do not know what your weaknesses are or which ones you should focus on, ask those around you. Ask people you trust for their honest opinion (this could be family members, but also partners, subordinates or superiors).

Identify which of your weaknesses you want to work on as a priority

We all have weaknesses. But the important thing is to identify which ones you want to address first. Choose one or two, or three at most, to focus on. Do not be overly ambitious

Educate yourself

Overcoming your weaknesses requires education, among other things. Keep an open mind and dbe ready to learn something new to reduce the impact of your weaknesses.

Support your strengths

One way to accentuate your strengths is to accentuate your strengths even more. So a good tactic is to work on improving your weaknesses at the same time as you work on improving what you are good at and what you enjoy.

Take small steps over a long period of time

Do not assume that change will come immediately. Be prepared to work on yourself over the long term and make small changes over a longer period of time, rather than some radical, sudden steps.

Set realistic goals

Be realistic. The fact that a trait is your weakness is probably a long-term problem. And it requires a long-term solution as well. So do not be too hard on yourself and set goals that are actually achievable.


Article source LinkedIn Talent Blog - recruiting strategies, tips and trends on the LinkedIn social network

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