3 reasons why your website doesn't generate enough new clients

It was a long, long time ago that websites served only as a kind of ad or as a simple catalogue of products. Since then, websites have turned into an interactive tool for not only engaging clients, but also calling for action and mediating contact between companies and prospects. The primary aim of websites is not informing prospects, but generating leads. However, many websites still have a lot of work to do in this sense. If we leave aside the issue of visit rates (and we assume that you've already solved things like search engine optimization), what are the most common problems of websites that don't generate the expected number of leads?

A so-called "conversion" opportunity is missing

As a LinkedIn Pulse article explains, a conversion is a moment in which a website visitor turns into a prospect. It's a moment in which the prospect leaves their contact information on the website. However, a surprising number of websites don't provide the opportunity for visitors to leave their contact information, and they hope that prospects will look for the company contact information and write them an e-mail or call them themselves. Contact forms with a clearly stated, specific call for action are a must-have that should be on every single page of your website.   

The visitor profile is different from what you need

High visitor rates don't mean that the people who visit your website are part of your target audience. Go through the content of your website, change key words and optimize your website so that people with your desired visitor profile go there. Use web analytics to learn what search phrases your visitors use.

There aren't enough calls for action on the website

Your website should call for action. They shouldn't serve merely as a passive source of information, they should clearly and comprehensibly explain to its visitors why they should contact you RIGHT NOW. If this appeal is missing, or is not emphasized enough, it's much less likely that visitors will decide to contact your company.



Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform

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